Saturday, September 24, 2022

Opening Reception for the Show at Fairhaven - Oct. 2

 The next opening reception will be at the Gallery at Fairhaven, 7200 Third Avenue in Historic Sykesville. The show of forty paintings will run from September 10th until October 21st. My current working title is: "Throwaways", because the show is made up of 40 paintings that were experiments or demonstration paintings. These paintings are more free and exuberant than my usual studio paintings, and they are made even more interesting by putting them in frames made to reflect the paintings content. The title comes from the lesson that I give to my students... "Paint everything like you're going to throw it away" because it gets rid of the apprehension of starting a painting.

The opening reception for the show at Fairhaven will be on Sunday, October 2nd from 2 to 4.

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